I feel the need to let my readers know about my past. Specifically I wanted to include my testimony in these blogs. A testimony to a Christian is an honest account of how the person came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. It is common practice to tell one's testimony before becoming a member of many non-denominational churches. The candidate will often meet with the elders and pastor of the church and discuss how they became a Christian and then on a Sunday morning or evening service repeat vocalizing their testimony in front of the church congregation. In some cases, the "testimony" will turn out to be a telling of one's "experience" they had before they really felt close to God. These experiences may include but not be limited to: waves of emotion, speaking in tongues, "holy laughter", crying, dancing, seizure like activity, intense feelings of joy or remorse. Now this is by no means a complete list. Others may include stories of how a certain pastor introduced someone to the health and wealth gospel and someone got healed or got rich by following certain protocol set by the pastor or the doctrines of the church. I will have more to say about these so called testimonies in later blogs.
Here is what a testimony has to include in order to be deemed true: The fact that once they were lost but now they are saved. Saved by nothing other than believing that Jesus died on the cross taking that person's sin upon Himself and that being done solely by the grace of God and not by anything that the person has done or accomplished. The gospel of grace also includes the realization that Jesus was raised from the dead and is now seated on the right hand of God the Father and has left the Holy Spirit as a seal on the hearts of all those that believe this incredible truth which is a free gift to all those that choose to accept it.
The new Christian will not have to be explained what being "saved" means, they just know they are. The new Christian will not have to be told their sins are forgiven, they just know they are. The new Christian will not have to be told that they are a new creation in Christ and all things are new to them, they just know that they are. How is this possible? How do they just know these things? How do they know now that the Bible is true and inerrant? How do they know when they are hearing false teachings from false teachers? The answer is in the above paragraph: The Holy Spirit that the Lord Jesus had promised His followers before He went to His death. The Holy Spirit is given to every Christian the moment that they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. This is how God's Spirit witnesses with the Christian's spirit concerning all the true things of God.
But are there not many truths? Are there not many ways to God? This is the message of the deceiver. It started in the Garden of Eden with the serpent tempting Eve. Did God really say? Did God really mean? So those that follow the Lie follow the religions of the world trying to find the truth. They follow gurus or religions or men with new ideas. They have to get experiences. They have to read up on secret knowledge. They have to perform certain rites. They have to make certain sacrifices or deny themselves of certain things to draw closer to their concept of truth or "God". A person may deny they are involved in a religion. Many of these people are into worshiping themselves. Look at commercials and ads on TV. "You deserve..." "Treat yourself...", "You earned it". It's all about ME. These people tend to trust that people, governments, new technology, a new world order, new discoveries, new toys, new what-evers....will somehow save man eventually. "Whoever dies with the most toys wins!". There is only one truth that is different than all of the other truths that are deceiving man: The Gospel of Jesus Christ. No other religion or "truth" claims what true Christianity claims. No other messiah anywhere was a sinless person as was Jesus that would qualify as an innocent Lamb to be the Perfect Sacrifice. Yes there are martyrs that claimed to be holy and gurus that want followings and false teachers that want honor and wealth- but only Christianity has the way to salvation by simply believing in a perfect act of God that opened up a way for anyone that believes to have eternal life. All these other ways require you to DO something. DO something more after you find the religion. DO something more after you find this teacher. DO something more to find out MORE. Find out MORE so you will eventually come to the "truth: DO this to reach Nirvana. DO this to get rid of sin. Read this so will realize you have no sin. All of these DOs are what is known as RELIGION. Some RELIGIONS teach that you are OK because of what was DONE at an early age. Rites of passage. Certain cuttings of the flesh. Certain ceremonies. Certain offerings given. Certain baptisms at an early age. All of these DOs are things that supposedly "Save" that person from destruction. Again: Only true Christianity offers a unique thing to a person looking for truth. The belief in what someone else has done for them already...no strings attached. Now the "saved" part is only the first step in the Christian's life. It is a necessary first step toward a rewarding life in Jesus Christ. Many stop there. Some go on and find all they can about their amazing God that is found in the Word of God. God wants us to take those next steps because this pleases Him. Getting to know our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is the most rewarding thing a Christian can strive to do. Once we become a Christian, we are to grow in the power of the Holy Spirit so that we can teach others the truth and "make disciples of all nations".
This Part 1 turned out to much longer than I intended. Subsequent parts will start out with my personal testimony.
How Is the Bible relevant to what is happening in the world today? Bible prophecy is not only being fulfilled in today's events, but a sharper focus is being given to us that are believers in Yeshua by the His Spirit in order to discern what is transpiring. Your thoughts, questions, newsbytes and comments are encouraged and appreciated.
Deuteronomy 6:5-9
"You shall love the LORD you God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the DOORPOSTS of your house and on your gates." ~~Deuteronomy 6:5-9 (NKJV)
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
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- Lighthouse Trails Publishing
- http://www.moriel.org/BeAlert/BeAlert.html
- The Berean Call (Dave Hunt, T.A.McMahon)
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