Deuteronomy 6:5-9

"You shall love the LORD you God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the DOORPOSTS of your house and on your gates." ~~Deuteronomy 6:5-9 (NKJV)

Monday, May 27, 2013

A Meeting in the Desert

Acts chapter 8 shows the contrast between a CINO (Christian in name only) and a true believer. Lets concentrate on the latter.  Philip was directed by The Angel of the Lord to go down to the Judean desert. Philip is directed by Holy Spirit GPS to navigate to an individual sitting in his chariot, reading. This individual is the treasurer to the nation of Ethiopia whose queen was named Candace. The history of Christianity in Ethiopia is an interesting study. Some say that Jeremiah had the Ark of the Covenant hidden in this mysterious land at the time of the Babylonian invasion of Jerusalem so that it could remain safe from confiscation. Anyway, imagine this man, alone in his chariot, stopped to read something that was so fascinating and perplexing. This is a picture or what is known as a "type" of God illuminating truth to someone that is reading the Word of God. He must have been startled when out of the blue, Philip comes up to him and asks him what he is reading. The man says he just returned from the temple in Jerusalem to worship and was headed back down to Ethiopia. Most likely Candace gave the treasurer an allowance to purchase some Scriptures if he found some for purchase. What he was immersed in reading was the book of Isaiah. Isaiah was a prophet that had written down what God told him to prophesy to the Hebrews of the northern kingdom way back 600 years before this desert meeting. Isaiah was to warn God's people of a fierce enemy to the northeast known as the Assyrians. He also named a conquering Persian king by the name of Cyrus 100 years before he came into Isaiah's homeland, booting out the Babylonians that had booted out the Assyrians! Imagine Jeremiah showing this Cyrus Isaiah's book and pointing to his name that had been written down by the prophet long ago. We are not told if Cyrus became a believer in the One True God, however he was one of the best kings as far as justice, law and ruling that Persia had ever had. So Philip asked the treasurer what he was reading. He specifically told Philip that he was reading the part of the book that referred to  "A Man of Sorrows" which is what we know as chapter 53 of Isaiah. He was wanting to know if Isaiah was speaking of himself or someone else. If someone is reading the bible and they come upon something they don't understand and they ask the Lord to reveal the meaning of it, the Holy Spirit will answer that prayer. This is a picture of that. The portion of the book he was reading had been written down hundreds of years ago. The scribes had copied down the words for generations to come. A perfectly preserved copy was found in this area of the desert known as Qumran in 1947. The dry climate had preserved this copy that was place in a jar in a cave at the time Jesus walked the earth by a sect of Judaism known as the Essenes. Isaiah 53 speaks of a man that had been tortured, disfigured, and suffers death. Why? To bear the sins of many. A perfectly innocent man. The only acceptable sacrifice that could be made. The Son of God. The Lamb of God. The perfect sacrifice for the sins of fallen man. To all that believe.... The treasurer wanted to know who this man was. Philip told him it was his Savior Jesus. This meeting in the desert happened before Saul's conversion on the road to Damascus, but is every bit as amazing. It shows a sinner saved by grace by reading and given understanding of the Word of God. Soon after as they started riding south in the chariot, they spotted some water. The treasurer asks Philip if he could have a baptism there. Philip said if he truly believed that Jesus was his Savior in his heart he could get baptized.  Note the order here.... he had to believe first, then be baptized. Not the other way around. John 3 has it in the right order: First believe- then be baptized. Baptism is a command that the Lord gave us that believe in Him showing the world that we are Christians. Does baptism save you? No. It is what we do after we are saved to show that we are washed of sin by the blood of Jesus' perfect sacrifice. Nicodemus came to Jesus in secret to ask him questions. Nicodemus knew about baptism. He was a Jewish scholar and knew baptism showed a washing of repentance. Before Jesus died on the cross, baptism pointed to this future washing of sins to come by the ultimate sacrifice. All of the baptisms that Nicodemus could have had did not make a bit of difference if you didn't believe in the Messiah. Nicodemus' Messiah was speaking to him face to face when he told him a man must be born again not of water but of spirit. This happens at the moment of conversion and a man testifies to his belief by the act of baptism. Does it seal your salvation. No. It is a command. The dying criminal next to Jesus on the cross believed but did not get a baptism and yet we know he was saved. Why? Because Jesus told him that he would see him shortly in Paradise. Does infant baptism save a person. No. That infant does not have the understanding to believe. The Ethiopian treasurer went home a new man and spread the Gospel to his countrymen. There is still a strong Christian presence in this country to this day. Praise God.

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